If you are a professional driver, it is important that your brakes are in good working order. If they are not, you may be held liable for any problems that occur. The brakes should be adjusted on a daily basis and should be checked before any steep grades or long distance trips.If you find a problem... read more
Whether you are looking for a manual or automatic slack adjuster, there are a number of factors to consider. Choosing a quality product will help ensure that your vehicle's brakes work effectively and last for a long time. It also will help to lower the cost of owning your vehicle.When choosing a sl... read more
Changing the brakes with a Manual Slack Adjuster is a job that should be left to an experienced heavy duty parts technician. Having to adjust a slack adjuster by yourself can be dangerous.The slack adjuster is the mechanism that forces the brake shoe apart, which applies force to stop the truck. It ... read more
Using a Manual Slack Adjuster is a simple way to check a vehicle's braking system. Slack adjusters are used to compensate for gradual wear of the brake shoe lining and drums. It's a good idea to check and maintain your braking system regularly, so that you can avoid accidents and personal injury.Sla... read more
Purchasing a manual slack adjuster can help you in a variety of ways. There are a few things that you need to know about this type of equipment. These include its functions and problems.Automatic slack adjusters vs manual slack adjustersWhether you love or hate automatic slack adjusters, there's a g... read more