1. When we travel, we need to choose suitable means of transportation. If the temperature is too high, we can choose to drive, but the air conditioner needs to be turned on in the car. At this time, we should also pay attention to adjusting to the most comfortable temperature when turning on the air... read more
1. Check each gas line connector (including the connection between the main vehicle and the trailer)With the arrival of winter, the lower the temperature, the harder the sealing ring or the cushion. After the wind and rain in summer, the sealing performance of the rubber ring is getting worse and wo... read more
Many people think that in the purchase of brake cylinders, as long as the equipment can be used, they can directly buy the cheaper one without considering the price. But the length of life is different, and the degree of safety is also different, but the editor still recommends that you buy a high-q... read more
1. The function of the brake air chamber is to convert the pressure of the compressed air from the brake valve into the mechanical force of the brake air chamber push rod. Commonly used brake chambers are diaphragm type and piston type. The pneumatic brake air chamber is generally composed of a brak... read more
The brake cylinder is one of the important components in the entire vehicle braking process. Its performance is directly related to the braking force of the whole vehicle. Therefore, the quality of the braking performance cannot be ignored. The brake cylinder is a vulnerable part. The principle is v... read more