What is the method of repairing corrosion on the surface of the brake cylinder?
Summary:In our automobile industry, we need to observe the surface of the car's wheel pump frequently. If we find corrosion, we ...
In our automobile industry, we need to observe the surface of the car's wheel pump frequently. If we find corrosion, we must use appropriate methods to treat it. 1. Surface treatment: In order to completely oxidize the surface, we should use specially selected acetone to clean the surface, and remember to clean it regularly. 2. Reconcile materials: We should strictly follow the relevant proportions when making material ratios, and stir them evenly until there is no color difference. 3. Smearing material: When smearing, we must apply carefully, first do the primer work, ensure the adhesion and complete coverage, and then apply the material evenly to the repair surface to achieve the required repair thickness. 4. Curing: Brake cylinder manufacturers also need to tell you that it is also very important to do a good job of curing the surface. Every time the material temperature increases by 11 °C, the curing time is shortened by half. chinafuao.net